Excited about ice skating

Dear Viewers,

Like most parents I’ve often wondered which activities my children would take a liking to – and secretly hoped it’s an activity I enjoy too.  Well, I couldn’t be more thrilled that my daughter likes ice skating…and is good at it to boot. 

I skated for ten years – age 6 to 16.  It was a big part of my life. I even skated before school, had a private coach, the whole nine…just loved it. 

I have been crossing my fingers my daughter would feel the same way, but I didn’t want to push it.  We took the kids skating in the Fall and she really seemed to enjoy it, so I casually suggested she might want to take lessons. She said “oh yes mommy I would love that!” I was excited as she was.

I try not to let on how much I am enjoying this – I want her to skate because she wants to , not because I want her to. And I realize just because she likes it now, doesn’t mean she’ll feel that way tomorrow.  So I live in the moment, savoring the experience of watching her on the ice, mastering new skills, beaming with pride – the kind of confidence a child exudes when they know they’re good at something.  (Her brother, by the way, also took lessons – kind of. He would last about 15 minutes on the ice, then decide he had enough for the day)

Last night she had her first skating “test”, where the instructor determines whether you can move up to the next level.  She passed beginner 2 and 3 – and got her “badges” – patches that you can sew onto something, like the ones you get in Girl Scouts.   I have similar badges sewn onto my old skating bag, tucked away somewhere in my old closet at my parents’ house. Gone but not forgotten. 

She clutched those badges in her hand the whole way home. Wouldn’t let her brother touch them. “I earned these”, she said.

I hope there are many more skating badges in her future, but I accept the fact this could be just a passing fancy.  Throughout the kids’ lives, their interests will come and go, but our support and encouragement will be constant.

Until next time,

Mindy Basara

2 Responses

  1. That is such a satisfying accomplishment for both of you. I often wonder how much I try to live through my kids. I try not to but it is hard! My son is in karate and I have enjoyed so much to watch him promote from belt to belt and to see how much improvement he has made from each class. It is wonderful to see kids excel in outside activities…..I really feel that this builds character and confidence in their everyday lives!

  2. I hear the Fred Rust Ice Arena beckoning… 🙂

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